Read the text.
The old pirate
This is the old pirate. His name is James. He has got grey hair and beard. He is very kind. He has got many coins and gold in his treasure chest. James sails on his ship and gets pearls and treasures. He also has got a blue parrot. The parrot's name is Lucky. They help poor people. They give them gold and treasure. People call them heroes of sea.

Choose True or False. Выберите правда (true) или ложь (false)
2. There are coins and gold in the treasure chest.

помогите пж за 1000000 лайков​


Ответ дал: sofyagerda




“ He has got many coins and gold in his treasure chest. ”

Аноним: я не знаю что это ответ провильно или нет если учитель скажет провильно то поставлю 1000000
Аноним: лайков
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