Помогите упражнение 2


Аноним: ох ебн
Аноним: 1. They are not wearing heavy jackets. Are they wearing heavy jackets?
Аноним: 2. вы не строите замок. Вы строите замок?
Аноним: 2. you are not building a castle. Are you building a castle?
Аноним: 3. She does not decorate the tree. Does she decorate the tree?
Аноним: 4. It doesn't rain today. Today the rain?
Аноним: 5. I'm not going to a picnic. Am I going on a picnic?


Ответ дал: dumbface


2) they aren't wearing heavy jackets

are they wearing heavy jackets?

3) you aren't making a sandcastle

are you wearing a sandcastle?

4) she isn't decorating the Christmas tree

is she decorating the Christmas tree?

5) it isn't raining today

is it raining today?

6) I'm going on a picnic

am I going on a picnic?

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