Complete the words in the gaps.
1. I think people will have f_____ cars in 2100.
2. You won’t have to go to school because there will be o_____ schools.
3. We will live in glass d____ in u________ cities.
4. People will have robotic h_________ to do the work about the house.
5. People will wear special s____ that keep them on the ground.
6. I use a d______ camera to take pictures.
7. I have 1000 songs on my MP3 p_____.
8. Julie likes reading books on her e_____ device.
9. I always take my h_________ with me to listen to music.
10. My mother uses a l_____ to send emails to her colleagues.


Ответ дал: smileyduckies
1 flying (?)
2 online
3 не знаю
4 household
5 suits
6 digital (?)
7 player
8 electronic
9 headphones
10 laptop
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