Task 3. Complete the sentences with Past Simple or Past Continuous/Дополни предложения глаголами в Past Simple или Past Continuous.
1. When I was going shopping, I _____ (see) my friend.
2. I said ‘Hello!’ and we____ (start) talking.
3. While we _____ (talk), a car ran into a man on a bike.
4. When we saw the accident, I ______ (phone) for an ambulance.
5. The ambulance _______ (come), while I was talking to the policeman.
6. The ambulance _______ (take) the man to hospital and we went to a cafe for a cup of coffee.
7. While we ______ (drink) our coffee, we _______ (discuss) about the accident.


Ответ дал: bjdiekd


When I went shopping, I saw my friend. I said ‘Hello!’ and we started talking. While we were talking, a car ran into a man on a bike. When we saw the accident, I phoned for an ambulance. While I was waiting for the ambulance, a policeman arrived. He asked us some questions. The ambulance came, while I was talking to the policeman. The ambulance took the man to hospital and we went to a cafe for a cup of coffee. While we were drinking our coffee, we were discussed about the accident.


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