СРОЧНО. Помогите пожалуйста!!
Rewrite the sentences in reported
1 'I like chocolate.' She said that__.
2 'Can you ride a scooter?' He asked me if__.
3 'Have you done the exercise yet?' The teacher asked us if we__.
4 'Clare isn't lying.' Mum said that Clare__.
5 'I can't swim.' He told me that__.
6 Why are you late?' My friend asked me__.
7 'You must arrive on time.' The coach told us that


Ответ дал: Pofigistka06


1.she said that she likes chocolate

2.he asked me if i can ride a scooter

3.the teacher asked us if we have done our exercise yet

4.mum said that Clare isn’t lying

5.he told me that he can’t swim

6.my friend asked me why am i late

7.the coach told us that we must arrive on time


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