пожалуйста помогите СРОЧНО ​


dumplin67: ответьте плиз


Ответ дал: saralola


Task 1

1. True

2. not stated

3. False

4. True

5. not stated

Task 2

1. I was going home at 4 'oclock yesterday

2. We were playing basketball at 6 o'clock last Sunday.

3.She was talking with her friend when someone knocked on the door.

4. Were you washing the window in the afternoon yesterday?

5. Nick was riding his bike all the evening.

6. Sheila and Dora were waiting for a bus for half an hour

7. They were preparing for the party all day yesterday.

8. I was not learning the poem for an hour.

9. Dick was painting the walls in his room while his mum was washing dishes in the kitchen.

10. Eve and Tony were skating all day last Saturday.


вроде бы все правильно♥️

dumplin67: спасибо
dumplin67: огромное
dumplin67: а в 3 Folse ?
dumplin67: там просто вроде не фолз
saralola: сори, в 3 not stated
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