1 Tick () A, B, or C to complete the sentences.

Example: I ________ football.

A love  B loves C loving

1 A Are there ________ people in the restaurant?

B Yes, it’s very busy.

A some B any C a

2 ________ you at work today?

A Was B Wasn’t C Were

3 A What time did you get up this morning?

B ________ at 7 o’ clock.

A I got up B I did got up C I getted up

4 What ________ yesterday?

A you were doing B did you do C you did do

5 A ________ tomorrow evening?

B I’m going to the cinema.

A What you are doing B What are you doing C You are doing what

6 Zara is a journalist in London, but ________ in Manchester today.

A she works B she working C she’s working

7 ________ two bathrooms on the first floor.

A There’s B There are C There are some

8 I hate ________ on busy roads.

A drive B I drive C driving

9 A ________ in a nice hotel in Paris?

B Yes, they did.

A They stayed B Did they stayed C Did they stay

10 Jack and I ________ at home last night.

A weren’t B didn’t C wasn’t

11 A Do you enjoy ________?

B I love it!

A swim B swiming C swimming

12 I ________ go out tonight. I’m very tired.

A can’t B not C isn’t

13 Where ________ your sister live?

A is B does C are

14 David ________ to the park with his girlfriend yesterday.

A goes B is going C went

15 A ________ do you usually go on holiday?

B In August.

A When B How C What time


Ответ дал: pettys2002


I love football

1. any

2. C

3. A

4. B

5. what are you doing

6. C

7. B

8. C

9. C

10. A

11. C

12. B

13. B

14. C

15. A


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