Reading. Read the text and complete the words. Прочитай текст и вставь слова.
busy sounds desk tips seconds

In today’s 1)__________ world it can be difficult to find time to exercise. But with these simple 2) ________ , anyone can fit in a mini-workout. Firstly, try to stretch while you sit at your 3) __________. Reach your legs out as far as they’ll go and hold them there for a few 4) __________ each time. Secondly, when walking between classes, remember to take the stairs instead of the lift. It
5) _________ simple, but every little helps!(15баллов)
Ребяяяят срочно помогите
пооожалуйста ​


Ответ дал: n3g471v3


1 busy 2 tips 3 desk 4 seconds 5 sounds

viktoriashatalenkova: хахаха пасиба Киря
n3g471v3: :)
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