I … (break) my arm while I… (climb) a tree.
Dan … (do) his Maths test, when his phone… (ring).
3. The police … (catch) the thief while he … (jump) over the wall.
4. When my mum… (get) home, we … (not do) our homework.
5. While I… (take) photos in the town center, I … (see) my best friend.
6. My friends … (swim) in the see when it … (start) to rain.



Ответ дал: nuriee2007


I broke my arm while i was climbing a tree

Dan was doing his Maths test when phone rang

The police caught the thief while he was jumping over the wall

When my mum got home,we weren't doing our homework

While i was taking photos in the tosn center,i saw my best friend

My friends were swimming in the see,when it started to rain

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