Определи в каком времени предложение и запиши глагол в скобках в нужной форме. Пишем №предложения и ответ
1.It's seven o'clock and they ___ to school now. (go)
2. Mrs Cooper ___ in the restaurant every Sunday. (eat)
3. Our cat never ___ on the kitchen table. (jump)
4. Look! The men ___ blue uniforms. (wear)
5. Curt always___ his guitar in the afternoon. (play)
6. The taxi ___ for them at the moment. (wait)
7. He always ___ his grandmother in the coat. (help)
8. They never ___very much. (eat)
9. Listen! Bill ___ his electric guitar. (play)
10. He ___ his car every Sunday. (wash)
11. The bell ___ at seven o'clock every morning. (ring)
12. They always ___their aunt a tree for Christmas. (bring)


Ответ дал: nastal0909


1) are going;

2) eats;

3) jumps;

4) is wearing;

5) plays;

6) is waiting;

7) helps;

8) eat;

9) is playing;

10) washes;

11) rings;

12) bring


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