Помогите пожалуйста!
Task 1.
1. The Greengrocer's is ________ the Hospital the Baker's.
a) between b) opposite
2. The Supermarket is _______ rhe Hospital.
a) behind b) next to
3. The Post Office is _______ the Bank.
a) next to b) Opposite
4. The Butcher's is _______ the Bank.
a) next to b) between

Task 3.
1. Alex get up / gets up at eight o'clock.
2. I brush / brushes my teeth in the morning.
3. They sing / sings songs in the class.
4. Tom do / does his homework in the afternoon.


Ответ дал: eieossasha


Task 3

1. gets

2. brush

3. sing

4. does

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