Complete the conversation
with the correct form of have got and
the words in brackets.

BETH Hi, Jan. 'Have you got (you)
a lot of homework?
Jan No, I...
BETH Good. I've got some questions
for a school project.
.....(you) any
brothers and sisters?
JAN Yes, I......I've got
two brothers. They're twins.
BETH .....(they) green eyes
like you?
JAN Yes, they.....!
BETH Cool! And?....
(your mum) brown hair like you?
JAN No, She's
got blonde hair.


Ответ дал: Juliyasha11


BETH Hi, Jan. 'Have you got a lot of homework?

Jan No, I haven't.

BETH Good. I've got some questions  for a school project.

Have you got any  brothers and sisters?

JAN Yes, I have. I've got  two brothers. They're twins.

BETH Have they got green eyes  like you?

JAN Yes, they have!

BETH Cool! And? Has your mum got brown hair like you?

JAN No, she hasn't. She's  got blonde hair.


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