помогите пожалуйста дам 30 балов



Ответ дал: mirakiix

Task 1

1. Peter is too short to become a police officer. He's only 1.65 cm.tall

2. I'd like to buy a new car, but i am just not enough rich to do it.

3. My school is too far from my house to go on foot. I cycle to school.

4. Kylie is too young to drive a car. She's only 14.

5. That skirt is too tight for you. You need a bigger size.

6. David is quite fast runner, but he isn't too fast to beat the Italian runner, who is considered to be the best.

Task 2.

1. You mustn't chew gum.

2. You must wear school uniform.

3. You must stand up when the teacher comes into the class.

4. You don't have to skip classes.

5. You must bring a letter from a doctor when you are ill.

6. You must tidy up the class after the lesson.

Task 3.

1. How many photographs did you take ?

Just a few.

2. How much orange juice do we have left ?

Only a little bit

3. How much time do we have ?

Just a few . We're late.

Task 4.

My favourite after school activitiy.

After school, I always go home. Then I relax and play computer games or read my favourite book. And I sometimes help my mum about the house. Then I do my homework. When I finish my homework I often go for a walk. Then at six o'clock, I have dinner. After dinner, I watch TV with my parents or do my homewok. At ten o'clock I always brush my teeth and go to bed. At eleven o'clock I sleep. These are my favourite activities after school.

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