1. The Sun …… in the East.

a) rise; b) will rise; c) rises; d) rose.

2. My friend …… to me very often last year.

a) write; b) wrote; c) writes; d) written.

3. Bad students never …… hard.

a) works; b) work; c) worked; d) will worked.

4. There …… a lot of people at the lecture tomorrow.

a) are; b) were; c) be; d) will be.

5. They …… London next summer.

a) visit; b) will visit; c) visits; d) visited.

6. I …… my English exam the day before yesterday.

a) taken; b) takes; c) take; d) took.

7. My little sister …… to school every day.

a) go; b) goes; c) will go; d) went.

8. It often …… in winter.

a) snow; b) snowed; c) snows; d) will snow.

9. We haven’t got any money so we ........ …… on holiday in summer.

a) don’t go; b) doesn’t go; c) won’t go; d) will go.

10. Mary . …… him about her plans last Monday.

a) tell; b) told; c) tells; d) will tell.

11. Benny.. …… fruit.

a) like; b) will like; c) liked; d) likes.

12. When did Mary .... …… you up ?

a) rings; b) ringed; c) ring; d) rang.

13. Mother always .... …… in the morning.

a) cooked; b) will cook; c) cook; d) cooks.

14. Cuckoos …… build nests.

a) don’t; b) doesn’t; c) didn’t; d) won’t.

15. They …… receive letters yesterday.

a) didn’t; b) don’t; c) doesn’t; d) won’t.

16. He …… usually come home at 9 o’clock.

a) doesn’t; b) don’t; c) didn’t; d) won’t.

17. When …… the lecture begin next week ?

a) do; b) does; c) will; d) shall.

18. …… they usually speak English at the lessons? a) Does; b) Do; c) Did; d) Will do.

19. He …… know the right answer at the previous lesson.

a) doesn’t; b) don’t; c) didn’t; d) won’t.

20. What …… your granny do when she was younger? – She was an actress.

a) do; b) did; c) does; d) will do.


Ответ дал: Bloorysnake
  1. c
  2. b
  3. b
  4. d
  5. b
  6. d
  7. b
  8. c
  9. c
  10. b
  11. d
  12. d
  13. d
  14. b
  15. a
  16. a
  17. c
  18. b
  19. c
  20. b
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