Task 2. Fill in the gaps with the verbs in the Present Perfect Tense.

Заполните пробелы глаголами в настоящем совершенном времени.

1. My friend Ted _____________ (spend) a lot of money on gadgets.

2. My father _______________ (not/buy) a new car.

3. I _____________________ (travel) a lot.

4. They ___________________ (not/have) lunch this morning.

Помогите пжпжпжпж​

Аноним: 1. My friend Ted has spent a lot of money on gadgets.

2. My father has not bought a new car.

3. I have travelled a lot.

4. They have not had lunch this morning.


Ответ дал: evge07nia


1. has spent

2. hasn't bought

3.have travelled

4. haven't had

Ответ дал: d4k3r


1.  My friend Ted has spent a lot of money on gadgets.

2. My father has not bought a new car.

3. I have travelled a lot.

4. They have not had lunch this morning.

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