Last week Justin said ‘I’ll do it tomorrow’. He said he would do it . . . .


a) the next day 

b) the previous day

c) tomorrow 

d) yesterday 

e) the day before yesterday


2. I don’t know why Nancy didn’t go to the meeting. She . . . definitely going.

a) be 

b) was 

c) is 

d) would 

e) will


3. The librarian asked us . . . so much noise.

a) don’t make 

b) not make 

c) not making 

d) not to make 

e) didn’t make 


4. He has been living . . . ten years.

a) ago 

b) since 

c) for 

d) during 

e) by


5. The train . . . when we arrived at the station.

a) has left 

b) left 

c) is leaving 

d) had left 

e) was left


6. I have not looked through the documents . . . .

a) just 

b) ever 

c) already 

d) yet 

e) still 


7. This time tomorrow I . . .an exam on History of Kazakstan.

a) will take 

b) will be taking 

c) would take

d) took

e) is taking 


8. He . . . for three hours when I met him.

a) is walking 

b) has walked 

c) has been walking 

d) had been walking 

e) will walk


9. My house . . . at the moment.

a) is being repaired 

b) is repaired 

c) repaired 

d) was repaired 

e) is repairing


10. ‘Don’t write on this page’. He told me . . . write on it .

a) not 

b) don’t 

c) not to 

d) to not 

e) didn’t 


11. The thief . . . by the time Mr and Mrs Smith returned from holiday.

a) was arrested 

b) is arrested

c) had arrested 

d) arrested 

e) had been arrested 


12. Do you like art? There is a nice art . . . near here.

a) café

b) library 

c) gallery 

d) department store 

e) cinema


13. I need to buy a dictionary. Is there a good . . . around here?

a) theatre 

b) museum 

c) cinema 

d) library 

e) bookstore


14. Prices are very high in New York City. Everything is pretty . . . there.

a) cheap

b) expensive 

c) huge

d) beautiful

e) crowded


15. Some parts of the city are fairly dangerous. They are not very . . . late at night. 

a) safe

b) noisy 

c) quiet 

d) crowded 

e) clean


16. In a restaurant, customers usually leave . . . for the waiter or waitress.

a) menu 

b) order 

c) service 

d) tips 

e) checks


17. Where . . . these photographs . . .? In London?

a) is taking 

b) did take 

c) were taken 

d) are taken 

e) was taken


18. Tim is away at the moment. He is . . . holiday.

a) on 

b) at

c) in 

d) for 

e) by


19. ‘How did you get there? . . . the bus?’ – ‘No, . . . car’. 

a) on / on 

b) __ / __ 

c) by / on 

d) in / in 

e) by / by


20. We went . . . the theatre last night. We had seats . . . front row.

a) to / in 

b) in / to 

c) at / at 

d) __ / __ 

e) in / in


Ответ дал: galina572319


1. Last week Justin said, ‘I’ll do it tomorrow.’

He said he would do it a) the next day.

2. I don’t know why Nancy didn’t go to the meeting.

She b) was definitely going.

3. The librarian asked us d) not to make so much noise.

4. He has been living c) for ten years.

5. The train d) had left when we arrived at the station.

6. I have not d) yet looked through the documents.

7. This time tomorrow, I b) will be taking an exam on the History of Kazakhstan.

8. He d) had been walking for three hours when I met him.

9. My house a) is being repaired at the moment.

10. ‘Don’t write on this page’.

He told me c) not to write on it.

11. The thief e) had been arrested by the time Mr and Mrs Smith returned from holiday.

12. Do you like art? There is a nice art c) gallery near here.

13. I need to buy a dictionary. Is there a good e) bookstore around here?

14. Prices are very high in New York City. Everything is pretty b) expensive there.

15. Some parts of the city are fairly dangerous. They are not very a) safe late at night.

16. In a restaurant, customers usually leave d) tips for the waiter or waitress.

17. Where are these photographs d) taken In London?

18. Tim is away at the moment. He is on a) holiday.

19. ‘How did you get there? e) By bus?’ – ‘No, by car’.

20. We went a) to the theatre last night. We had seats a) in the front row.


1. На прошлой неделе Джастин сказал: "Я сделаю это завтра".

Он сказал, что сделает это а) на следующий день.

2. Я не знаю, почему Нэнси не пошла на встречу.

Она б) определенно собиралась на неё cходить.

3. Библиотекарь попросила нас г) не шуметь так сильно.

4. Он живет в) здесь уже десять лет.

5. Поезд d) уже ушел, когда мы прибыли на станцию.

6. Я г) еще не просмотрел документы.

7. Завтра в это время я б) буду сдавать экзамен по истории Казахстана.

8. Он г) шел уже три часа, когда я его встретил.

9. Мой дом а) в данный момент ремонтируется.

10. "Не пишите на этой странице".

Он сказал мне в) не писать на ней.

11. Вор e) был арестован к тому времени, когда мистер и миссис Смит вернулись из отпуска.

12. Вам нравится искусство? Недалеко отсюда есть хорошая художественная галерея c).

13. Мне нужно купить словарь. Есть ли здесь поблизости хороший  книжный магазин?

14. Цены в Нью-Йорке очень высокие. Там все довольно б) дорого.

15. Некоторые районы города довольно опасны. Они не очень а) безопасны поздно ночью.

16. В ресторане клиенты обычно оставляют г) чаевые официанту или официантке.

17. Где эти фотографии г) сделаны в Лондоне?

18. Тим в данный момент в отъезде. Он находится в) отпуске.

19. ‘Как ты туда попал? д) На автобусе?’ – "Нет, на машине".

20. Вчера вечером мы ходили а) в театр. У нас были места а) в первом ряду.

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