Упражнение 2. Поставьте предложения в First Conditional
If my mother ________(to give) me money, I __________ a new jacket. (to buy)
Grace _____(to be) very happy if her team ______ the championship. (to win)
If I ___________(to eat) a lot of chocolate, I __________ a lot of acne. (to have)
Susie and Greg _________(not, to buy) the car if Greg _____the promotion. (not, to get)
Упражнение 3. Поставьте предложения в Second Conditional
I _____________________ (to travel) to the beach if I _____________the money. (to have)
If Amanda ____________(to be) here, she ____________ the kids eat so much candy. (not, to let)
My mother __________(to make) a cake for you if you ____________ her. (to ask)
If I _________(can) travel now, I ________________ to Europe. (to go)

aminanina2910: помогите пожалуйста


Ответ дал: cashpass01


If my mother __give______(to give) me money, I ___will buy_______ a new jacket. (to buy)

Grace _will be____(to be) very happy if her team _win_____ the championship. (to win)

If I ____eat_______(to eat) a lot of chocolate, I ____will have______ a lot of acne. (to have)

Susie and Greg ___won't buy______(not, to buy) the car if Greg __doesn't get___the promotion. (not, to get)

Упражнение 3. Поставьте предложения в Second Conditional

I _____would travel________________ (to travel) to the beach if I ___had__________the money. (to have)

If Amanda __were__________(to be) here, she ____wouldn't__let______ the kids eat so much candy. (not, to let)

My mother _would make_________(to make) a cake for you if you ___asked_________ her. (to ask)

If I ___could______(can) travel now, I __would go______________ to Europe. (to go)


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