3 Put the verbs in brackets into the correct
tense, using will or the present simple.
1 I............ (wait) here until you............
(get back).
2 As soon as you.............
(finish) your homework, I............
(let) you play computer games.
3 He...............
(update) my antivirus
software before he............
the Internet.
4 I'm not sure if her parents............
(buy) her an MP4 player.
5 If you............(not/know)
how to print photos, I.........
(be) happy to show you.
6. When..........
upgrade) your games console?"
"When I...................
(have) enough money."


Ответ дал: MaryFairy211

1 I will wait here until you get back.

2 As soon as you finish your homework, I will let you play computer games.

3 He will update my antivirus  software before he uses the Internet.

4 I'm not sure if her parents will buy her an MP4 player.

5 If you don't know how to print photos, I will be happy to show you.

6. When will you  upgrade your games console?"

"When I have enough money."

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