1)Complete the sentences using the following verbs:
cause(s) connect(s) drink(s) live(s) open(s) -speak(s) take(s)
1 Tanya speaks German very well
2 i don't often ________ coffee
3 The swimming pool ____________ at 7.30 every morning
4 Bad driving _________ many accidents
5 My parents _________ in a very smail flat.
6 The Olympic Games _________ place every for years
7 The panama canal __________ The atlantic and pacific oceans
2) Put the verb into the correct form
1 Julie doesn't drink (not/drink) tea very often
2 What time _______ (the banks / close) here?
3 I've got a car, but i _______ (not / use) it much
4 Where _________ (ricardo / come) from.?
5 What __________ (you/do)?
6 it _________ (take) me an hour to get to work how long ________ _________ (it / take) you?
7 Look at this sentence. What _________ (this word / mean)?
8 David isn't very fit. He ________ (not / do) any sport.


Ответ дал: satylganovam


2. drink

3. opens

4.  causes

5.  live

6. takes

7. connects


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