2 Соедините предложения :
1 I am a girl of 17 a) Russian literature, English, Biology.
2 It’s hard to have b) I attended a sports club and did a bit of photography.
3 In senior classes my favourite subjects were c) a look at yourself from aside.
4 I’m a first-year full-time student of d) the VSSPU.
5 Besides learning school subjects e) with dark hair and blue eyes.
6 Some months ago f) that I finally made up my mind.
7 It was only in my last year at school g) I passed my final exams at school.


Ответ дал: HellishHelen

1.I am a girl of 17 e) with dark hair and blue eyes.

2 It’s hard to have d) the VSSPU.

3 In senior classes my favourite subjects were a) Russian literature, English, Biology.

4 I’m a first-year full-time student of c) a look at yourself from aside.

5 Besides learning school subjects b) I attended a sports club and did a bit of photography.

6 Some months ago g) I passed my final exams at school.

7 It was only in my last year at school f) that I finally made up my mind

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