Используйте глаголы в скобках в правильной форме.
You must take an umbrella. It ......................................... (rain)
I ....................... to the cinema tonight. I already have a ticket. (go)
Are you planning any summer holiday? - I don't know yet. Perhaps I ............. at home. (stay)
You look pretty tired. You should have a break. - OK. I ....................... a rest. (have)
Betty is going to driving lessons, because she ..................... a car. (buy)
I've just missed my train! - No problem. I .......................... you there. (drive)
I can't eat anything today. I .......... an appointment at the hospital tomorrow. (have)
The Sharks are much better! I'm sure they ..................... the Dolphins today! (beat)
What does your son want to do in future? - I hope he ................ a dentist. (become)
Not at five o'clock. Look at the diary. We ...................... Mr. Clark at three o'clock. (meet)
Please, buy some eggs. I ........................................ a cake. (make)
My dad has already booked the holiday. We .................... to France on 2 July. (fly)


Ответ дал: Аноним


You must take an umbrella. It is raining.

I am going to the cinema tonight. I already have a ticket.

Are you planning any summer holiday? - I don't know yet. Perhaps I will stay at home.

You look pretty tired. You should have a break. - OK. I will have a rest.

Betty is going to driving lessons, because she has bought a car.

I've just missed my train! - No problem. I will drive you there.

I can't eat anything today. I am having an appointment at the hospital tomorrow.

The Sharks are much better! I'm sure they will beat the Dolphins today!

What does your son want to do in future? - I hope he will become a dentist.

Not at five o'clock. Look at the diary. We will be meeting  Mr. Clark at three o'clock.

Please, buy some eggs. I am going to make a cake.

My dad has already booked the holiday. We are flying to France on 2 July.


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