Напишите рассказ по теме "Сибирь" на английском языке, используя слова на картинке, которую я прикрепил выше. 10 предложений должно получиться. Заранее спасибо! ​



Ответ дал: nevillelongbottom


Well, Siberia is one of the most beautiful and picturesque places in Russia. While traveling across Siberia, tourists are usually visiting impressive Lake Baical. It is a big lake. It is more than 2,000 feet deep and the water is absolutely clean. It is a very unique and amazing place. Winters in Siberia are very cold, frosty and dark. But still absolutely wonderful. What is more, from the ancient times Siberia is rich in natural resources. Amount of fuel and mineral resources is high. Thick forests are vital for biospheric complex of Siberia.

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