ПРИДУМАТЬ сказку про Рождество на английском (10-15 реплик) ​


Ответ дал: 0angelangeli0


There is a magical time in the year - these are Christmas days. When it's very cold outside, but your soul is very warm!Every Christmas, good feelings descend on Earth, which envelop the entire planet with an invisible veil. All people become kinder on Christmas. Because every Christmas all the kindest and most beautiful infuses people and drives away bad feelings.

And at night, when everyone falls asleep, Christmas angels fly home and give a piece of happiness, fun, kindness and success. I really want to see how the angel puts a small gift and small butterflies that fly around the room.

And when they sit down on the tree, the whole room begins to shine and shimmer with different colors, and then the people who live in this house begin to feel joy and happiness in their hearts.

I believe in Christmas miracles!

Christmas is the kindest and brightest holiday on Earth !!!


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