1 You have to/mustn't eat a healthy breakfast every morning. 2 You must/mustn't be careful with what you eat. 3 We mustn't/have to exercise every day for at least 30 minutes. 4 You must/mustn't go to the doctor when you have a cold.



Ответ дал: HellishHelen

1 have to

2 must

3 have to

4 must

katuha198507: правильно
katuha198507: правильно ?
aaaahahas77182: Да
beisbaevaainur: спс
Ответ дал: outbacklife


1 You have to eat a healthy breakfast every morning.

2 You must be careful with what you eat.  

3 We have to exercise every day for at least 30 minutes.

4 You must go to the doctor when you have a cold.


have to=must - должен что-то сделать,

mustn`t - не должен.

killu84: правильно ю
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