Подготовить 5 собственных предсказаний на 2100 год, используя фразы I'm sure/I think/I believe и WILL. СРОЧНО

Llame: Путин станет роботом и будет править миром, Америка станет страной бургеров, На Бермудский треугольник скинуть всех алкашей мира, Ну как-то так, надеюсь поднял настроение)))
maltsevtimka: ахахахах спс


Ответ дал: arumaksotova7


think the change much in the future. People are always interested in making new devices, so that they can only be experimenting. I think in the future will be very different at home. Buildings will be quite different. Fashion style. No phones can and will be. Instead, they will come up with very different gadgets. It may be a phone, but quite unknown to us in the form. Everything was going to be very expensive.

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