исправьте неверные предложения:
1. Spring comes after autumn.

2. In summer the sky is gloomy.

3. The days are short and the nights are long and warm in summer.

4. The school year begins in August.

5. The leaves change their colour from yellow to green.

6. Winter is the hottest season.

7. Birds get back from warm countries in autumn.

8. Spring begins in May.

9. It gets cold in Spring.


Ответ дал: mariceum


1) Spring comes after winter

2) In summer the sky is bright

3) The days are long and the nights are short and warm in summer

4) The school year begins in September

5) The leaves change their colour from green to yellow

6) Summer is the hottest season

7) Birds get back from warm counties in spring

8) Spring begins in March

9) It gets cold in Winter

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