Complete the sentences with a suitable
word or phrase from exercise 5.
1 There are … biscuits, I think there are five each.
2 … of my classmates are interested in this book.
It's really not very popular,
3 is the hall … for 200 people?
4 Our school is … It only has 500 students.
5 The … class has about thirty students,​


lol045: аа


Ответ дал: MaryFairy211

1 There are plenty of biscuits, I think there are five each.

2 Hardly any of my classmates are interested in this book. It's really not very popular.

3 Is the hall big enough for 200 people?

4 Our school is relatively small. It only has 500 students.

5 The average-sized class has about thirty students.

6 Most of my friends have read The Lord of the Rings.


1 Печенья много, думаю, по пять штук каждого вида.

2 Вряд ли кого-либо из моих одноклассников интересует эта книга. Она действительно не очень популярна.

3 Достаточно ли большой зал, чтобы вместить 200 человек?

4 Наша школа относительно небольшая. В ней всего 500 учащихся.

5 В среднем в классе учится около тридцати учеников.

6 Большинство моих друзей читали «Властелина колец».

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