Herman Melville
Read the sentences and type in the verb in the correct form in Reported Speech.
1. Ann said: “I am buying buy a present for my mom.” - Ann told me she
a present for her mom.
2. Liam said: “My brother doesn’t read science fiction books” - Liam said that his brother
science fiction book.
3. Jack said: “They are reading the most interesting book of this author.” - Jack said that they
the most interesting book of that author.


prekrasnaakristina7: У кого реклама
prekrasnaakristina7: Was buying,Didn't read,Were reading
sineemore04: СПАСИБО ОГРОМНОЕ!!!!!!


Ответ дал: zevelina24082006


1. Was buying

2. Didn't read

3. Were reading

Аноним: У вас есть ответы???
Ha6290: Все правильно, спасибо
abrokodabro2001: ты тупая мразота не правильно
ammaline: Все правильно!
ammaline: Спасибо
lsjj40: всё верно
Аноним: @abrokodabro2001, успокойся мальчик.
Аноним: привет Саске(маленький Саске на твоём Аве)
Аноним: Ага
Аноним: Я новенькая
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