1. The author to the readers that it was his last book. 2. Professor Axel about an ancient thing he had found. 3. Axel us some personal information about his uncle.

Аноним: Ребят,напишите сюда ответы,просто по англишу всего 2 вопросов осталось


Ответ дал: nunny

1. The author said to the readers that it was his last book.

2. Professor Axel spoke about an ancient thing he had found.

3. Axel told us some personal information about his uncle.

Nuraselll: Во твором ошибка, будет TOLD AXEL
Nuraselll: Короч во втором нужно просто написать told
AngelArmana04: я то думал что там пусто должно быть
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