помогите с английским пожалуйста​



Ответ дал: ebibinur2008


1. Ann is reading a book.

My is sister playing tennis.

We are listening to music.

My brother is sleeping.

They are studying.

I am doing my homework

You are speaking.

They are cleaning the house.

Tom is going to the cinema.

My mother is running.

2. We are cooking dinner.

My aunt is driving the car.

I am reading a comic.

They are sleeping.

You are studying.

Ann is doing her homework.

She is speaking about the Eiffel Tower.

Mary is singing.


Мог(-ла) бы и сам(-а) написать по правилам "Present continuous", ведь очень легкая тема, и наверху задания стоит таблица с правилами.

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