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Ответ дал: freshness07


Если не ошибаюсь используем present continuous

1. John is listening to music

2. Ann isn't walking in the street

3. Mr.Cardoso and Ms. Kean are sitting on the tram

4. Dimitri isn't playing on the guitar

5. Paul isn't buying a T-shirt

6. Adam and Suzanne aren't talking to each other. They are swimming in the swimming pool

7. Will is throwing a paper to the bin

8. Adela isn't singing a song


Is Adela playing the guitar? Yes, she is.

Are Adam and Suzanne talking to each other? No, they are swimming

Is John listening to music? Yes, he is.

Is Paul buying a postcard? Yes, he is.

Are Mr. Cardoso and Ms. Kean sitting on the tram? Yes, they are


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