2 Read Katy's letter and write an answer to her.
Dear Sevara,
I've just been to the Eisteddfod festival in Wales. It is a very old tradition,
The first one was held in the sixth century! I was surprised the festival
was so popular. There were more than 10,000 people there. The festival is a
competition. I enjoyed the music and national costumes of the competitors.
Do you have any national festivals in your country?
Please write me soon.
Int of touris​

KathyGFD: Про какой праздник хочешь в письме от лица Кейт ответить? Кратко напиши: название и страну, и описание, как в образце. Помогу тебе))
alinanawrizbaeva: можно праздник Навруз .Узбекистан


Ответ дал: KathyGFD

Dear Kate,

Thank you for your letter, I am glad to hear you have had a great time in Wales. Let me tell you about our national festival.

In Uzbekistan we also have an old festivity, a beautiful holiday named Navruz. It symbolizes the beginning of spring, and we celebrate it on March 21st. Women usually cook our traditional dish named "sumalak". When you come to visit me, you will taste it. I hope you will enjoy sumalak because you like sweet food! People go to book fairs and different shows, and they have a great time. We give presents to children and family members on March 21st.

I hope you will be able to come to Uzbekistan in spring, to celebrate Navruz with my friendly family in my beautiful country. By the way, my younger brother has prepared a present for you.

Take care! Please write soon.

Warm regards,


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