Самостоятельная работа Глагол to be, to have
Образуйте вопросаrrельме и отрицательные предложения:
1) I am a teacher
2) You are in the classroom
3) We are all students.
4) Some of the students are boys.
5) Two and two are four
6) That answers are right
7) He is here.
8) She is near the window.
9) There are only two books in the picture.​


Ответ дал: ira699450


4 8 2


Вот пожалуйста ))))

Ответ дал: evge07nia


1. I am not a teacher.

Am I a teacher?

2. You are not in the class room.

Are you in the class room?

3. We are not all students.

Are we all students?

4. Any of the students are boys.

Are any students boys?

5. Two and two are not four.

Are two and two four?

6. These answers are not right.

Are these answers right?

7. He is not here.

Is he here?

8. She is not near the window.

Is she near the window?

9. There are not only two books in the picture.

Are there only two books in the picture?

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