1. What kind of state is Great Britain?
2. Who is the head of the state in fact?
3. What is the legislative branch represented by.
4. How many members In The House of commons? are they elected?
5. What is the Shadow cabinet.
6. Who is the Prime minister in GB now?
7. What are the Main political parties in Great Britain?
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Ответ дал: pgluskova7


Who is the head of state in the UK? The Queen.

Who is the head of the government in the UK? The Prime Minister.

What is the British Parliament called? Parliament of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

How many Houses does it consist of? Two.

Which House represents the people of Britain? The House of Commons.

How often do British people vote for MPs? At least every five years.

What are the members of the House of Commons called? Members of Parliament. вот так

Ответ дал: ameruert889


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