Levi Strauss invented the blue jeans.
They developed a new kind of washing powder.
The students handed in the reports.
The policemen help the children
They sing the song very well.
Cheese is made from milk.
The light bulb was invented by Thomas Edison.
Poems are written by the little boy.
This newspaper is read by thousands of people.
Football is played by two teams of eleven players.
Portuguese is spoken in Brazil.
Children are educated in schools.
Wine is made from grapes.
My bag was stolen when I was on the bus.
I didn’t fall over. I was pushed.
The dogs are kept in the house.
This church was built in the 15th century.
My offer was turned down by them.
Caesar was killed by Brutus and his friends.
John was given an award by the President.
The explanation was understood by all the students.
They were known by everyone.
The story was translated into Spanish.
All the leftovers were eaten by my brother.
The bridge was closed for over two hours by the police.
Postman delivers letters at 8 everyday.
They make these cars in Japan.
Someone smashed our window last night.
My parents gave me some pocket money.
They told bad news to her.
She sent information to Ann.
He gave them a new chance.
They grow coffee in Kenia.
The Romans built the bridge 2000 years ago.
The thunderstorm damaged some houses.

Rewrite the sentences as “Active”

Many women were killed by Jack the Ripper.
Some nice musicals were written by Cole Porter.
We were impressed by your products.
The windows were broken by the burglars.
Microsoft was founded by Bill Gates.
America was discovered by Cristopher Columbus.
Shoes are cleaned by me every Friday.
The first plane was flown by the Wright brothers.
Hamlet was written by Shakespeare.


outbacklife: В первой части предложения перемешаны ( активный с пассивным залогом ). Активный переделать в пассивный, пассивный в активный?
Аноним: активны надо переделать в пассивный


Ответ дал: outbacklife


The blue jeans were invented by Levi Strauss.

A new kind of washing powde was developed by them.

The reports were handed in by the students.

The children  are helped by the policemen.

The song is sung by them very well.

They maKe cheese from milk.

Thomas Edison invented the light bulb .

The little boy writes poems .

Thousands of people read this newspaper.

Two teams of eleven players play football.

They soeak Portuguese in Brazil.

They educate children  in schools.

They make wine from grapes.

Somebody stole my bag  when I was on the bus.

I didn’t fall over. Somebody pushed me.

They keepthe dogs in the house.

They built his church in the 15th century.

They turned down my offer.

Brutus and his friends killed Caesar.

The President gave John an award.

All the students understood the explanation.

Everyone knew them.

They  translated the story into Spanish.

My brother ate all the leftovers .

The police closed he bridge for over two hours.

Letters are delivered by postman at 8 everyday.

These cars are made t in Japan.

Our window was smashed last night.

Some pocket money was given me by parents.

Bad news was told her by them.

Information was sent to Ann by her.

A new chance was given them by him .

Coffee is grown in Kenia.

The bridge was built by the Romans 2000 years ago.

Some houses were damaged by the thunderstorm.

Jack the Ripper killed many women.

Cole Porter wrote some nice musicals.

Your products impressed us.

The burglars broke the windows.

Bill Gates founded Microsoft.

Cristopher Columbus  discovered America.

I  cleaned shoes every Friday.

The Wright brothers flew the first plane.

Shakespeare wrote Hamlet.


Аноним: пасиба
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