1 A: Do you want to play basketball later?
B: a That sounds good.
b Don't be late!
4 A: I can't meet at five. I have football practice.
B: a That's not a problem,
b That's a great idea.
2 A: Is 4:00 OK for you?
B: a It's half past three.
b Yes, see you there,
S A: What time do you want to meet?
B: a At 8:45.
b By the bus stop
3 A: What time is it now?
B: a Let's meet at 6:30.
b It's half past six.​

Аноним: что нужно делать


Ответ дал: evelinamashika


1) a

4) b

2) b

5) a

3) b


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