Choose the correct answer.
1 That's the girl ...B... dog bit me last week.
A who
B whose C that
2 1............ the house all day, I need a break!
A am tidying B have been tidying C tidy
3 Charles and Monica are ............ doctors
A both
B all
C none
4 You ............ finish your homework before you go
out to play
A mustn't B must C can't
5 Archie went ............ his uncle.
A phone B to phone C phoning
6 My father lets me .......... up late on Saturday nights.
A stay
B to stay
C staying
7 Marion denied ............ the window.
A to break B break C breaking
8 1........... your mother three times this week.
A have seen B see C have been seeing
9 Roger ............. a luxury yacht.
A has recently bought B buys C was buying
10 ............. fairy tales when I was a child
A was reading B used to read C have read​


Ответ дал: LeoGreen2020

2B 3A 4B 5B 6A 7C 8A 9A 10B

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