4 Write sentences and questions using the
future continuous.
1 Philip Pullman / sign his book in the hall after he
finishes his talk.
Philip Pullman will be signing his book in the hall after he
finishes his talk.
2 1/ work on my new book this evening.
3 At 9 p.m. this evening, we / sit on a train to Lake
4 you / play basketball on Saturday morning?
5 When / the choir / give its next concert?
6 Maria / not watch the football match this
evening. She has to go to a piano lesson.​

aizhanbazylzhanova: Нашла?
NataDagii3: нет


Ответ дал: HellishHelen

2 I will be working on my new book this evening.

3 At 9 p.m. this evening, we will be sitting on a train to Lake Balqash.

4 Will you be playing basketball on Saturday morning?

5 When will the choir be giving its next concert?

6 Maria will not be watching the football match this evening. She has to go to a piano lesson.

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