4 Complete the sentences. Use: struck, passed, set, failed, slammed.

1 The student wanted to

birds free

2 When the rich people tried to get inside, the shut.

gates of the garden

3 The student poticed the birds when a Caravan of camels by:

4 The shepherd was successful until disaster and he lost his sheep 5 The student was upset because he thought he had . in his task.​


Ответ дал: galina572319


1 The student wanted to set the birds free.

2 When the rich people tried to get inside, the gates of the garden slammed shut.

3 The student noticed the birds when a  caravan of camels passed by.

4 The shepherd was successful until disaster struck, and he lost his sheep.

5 The student was upset because he thought he had failed in his task.

1 Ученик хотел освободить птиц.

2 Когда богатые люди попытались войти внутрь, ворота сада захлопнулись.

3 Ученик заметил птиц, когда мимо проходил караван верблюдов.

4 Пастух преуспевал, пока не случилось несчастье, и он потерял своих овец.

Ученик был расстроен, потому что считал, что не справился со своей задачей.

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