Даю 90 баллов ( не развод)
Complete the exchanges with the correct past form of the verbs in brackets.

1 A: When did the firefighters arrive (the firefighters/arrive) at the house?
B: I’m not sure. I (talk) to a neighbour at the time.
2 A: How (the hikers/get) lost in the desert?
B: While they (walk) there, a dust storm (start).
3 A: Why (you not/use) your mobile phone to call for help?
B: It (not/have) any battery.
4 A: We (just/reach) the cave when it (start) to rain.
B: You’re so lucky! We (not/come) down from the mountain yet, so we (get) really wet.
5 A: How (you/manage) to light a fire so quickly?
B: Quickly? I (try) for half an hour before I finally (succeed)!


Ответ дал: fatherfrost2013


1) was talking

2) How did the hikers get lost in the town? -- were walking/started

3)Why didn't you use your mobile phone to call for help?

I didn't have any battery

4) We had just reached ../started

5) hadn't come down/got (вообще, если не по условию задания, здесь должно быть haven't come down/have got)

6) How did you manage to ...

I had been trying/succeeded


zetismarakibaoxgbzb: щас проверю
zetismarakibaoxgbzb: hadn't come down не правильно
zetismarakibaoxgbzb: А так спасибо
zetismarakibaoxgbzb: Я перепутал, все правильно
zetismarakibaoxgbzb: А ты умен
fatherfrost2013: A то ))
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