1.Complete the email with the correct words in the box:
date protecting catch bounced identity buffering server attachment software
To: : [email protected]
From:help me ,please!
Hi Jason, it's Sally. I need some more advice from the expert! As usual, it's my computer. For some reason,
nearly all the emails I've sent over the last couple of days have (1)back, particularly those to other
countries. Is there something I'm doing wrong? Or is it my (2)?Also, I've been watching some (3)-up TV on the computer and I've been getting a lot of(4).Is there anything I can do to stop that? And while I'm on the subject, I can't open the (5)you emailed me yesterday. Do I need some special (6)to do that?
I keep hearing about computer (7)fraud.I know all about (8) my passwords and I’m up to(9) with my security software, but is this something I should be worried about?Thank you so much for all your help!
Speak soon,
2. Readthe following three texts about science fiction. For each question (1-3) choose the correct answer according to what you hear. Circle A,B or C
The most recentfilm in the Flight to Venus series is in our cinemas now. In spite of
an excellent performance by Dee Francis as the archaeologist on the spaceship,
the story is much weaker than the previous two films in the series and, in my
opinion, not as entertaining. There are also some very frightening scenes,
particularly those involving realistic monsters from the planet Venus, which may
not be good for young children. It will probably be popular among science fiction
addicts, but not something I would want to see a second time. I had nightmares
after the first!
The author of the text
A praises the quality of the film.
B gives a warning about the film.
C. Rrecommends the film to cinema-goers.
The planeton the starship's screen was getting bigger and therewere flashes
ofred light coming from itssurface. Suddenly, therewas a very loud noise
and the screen went dark.
'Havewe hitsomething?'shoutedCaptainWinger, holding onto the arms ofhis
chairto stop himselffalling to the floor.
'Yes,' Grant, the ship's engineerreplied. He couldn't use any ofthe controls and
the ship's alarms were screaming. Hewas angry. He hadwarned the captain of
the dangers ofgetting too close to the planet Alpha 7, but as usual the captain
had ignored him. Now they had probably been hit by a rock from one of
the volcanic explosions on the planet and the shipmight crash into the surface.
2 What doesthe extract tell us?
A The captain has damaged the ship's controls.
B The captain and his engineer do not always agree.
C The captain loses his temper easily
As you know, the end-of-terms tudent party this year has a particular theme
that is science fiction. We are asking everyone to dress up as characters from
their favourite science fiction films, and there will be a prize for the best
costume! There will be an entertainment section during the party and
students from different classes will perform scenes from some famous science
fiction plays, including the famous R. U.RbyKarelCapek. Please do not be
late as we shall be starting the party with a speech by the head teacher,
MrTurner at 8.30 sharp. Remember also that ,parking is restricted, so parents
Ishould drop off students outside the front entrance.
3 What is the purpose of the text?
A To offer an invitation for studentsto perform at the end-of-term party.
B To give some advice forthose who may not arrive on time.
C To make certain requests of those attending the party


Ответ дал: MaryFairy211


To:  [email protected]

From: help me ,please!

Hi Jason, it's Sally.

I need some more advice from the expert! As usual, it's my computer. For some reason, nearly all the emails I've sent over the last couple of days have (1) bounced back, particularly those to other countries. Is there something I'm doing wrong? Or is it my (2) server?

Also, I've been watching some (3) catch-up TV on the computer and I've been getting a lot of (4) buffering. Is there anything I can do to stop that? And while I'm on the subject, I can't open the (5) attachment you emailed me yesterday. Do I need some special (6) software to do that?

I keep hearing about computer (7) identity fraud. I know all about (8) protecting my passwords and I’m up to (9) date with my security software, but is this something I should be worried about? Thank you so much for all your help!

Speak soon,


2. В текстах подчеркнуты фразы, подтверждающие ответы.

Text 1.

The most recent film in the Flight to Venus series is in our cinemas now. In spite of an excellent performance by Dee Francis as the archaeologist on the spaceship, the story is much weaker than the previous two films in the series and, in my opinion, not as entertaining. There are also some very frightening scenes, particularly those involving realistic monsters from the planet Venus, which may not be good for young children. It will probably be popular among science fiction addicts, but not something I would want to see a second time. I had nightmares after the first!

The author of the text

(B ) gives a warning about the film.

Text 2.

The planet on the starship's screen was getting bigger and there were flashes of red light coming from its surface. Suddenly, there was a very loud noise and the screen went dark.

'Have we hit something? shouted Captain Winger, holding onto the arms of his chair to stop himself falling to the floor.

'Yes,' Grant, the ship's engineer replied. He couldn't use any of the controls and the ship's alarms were screaming. He was angry. He had warned the captain of the dangers of getting too close to the planet Alpha 7, but as usual the captain had ignored him. Now they had probably been hit by a rock from one of the volcanic explosions on the planet and the ship might crash into the surface.

2 What does the extract tell us?

B The captain and his engineer do not always agree.


As you know, the end-of-terms student party this year has a particular theme that is science fiction. We are asking everyone to dress up as characters from their favourite science fiction films, and there will be a prize for the best costume! There will be an entertainment section during the party and students from different classes will perform scenes from some famous science fiction plays, including the famous R. U.R by Karel Capek. Please do not be late as we shall be starting the party with a speech by the head teacher, Mr Turner at 8.30 sharp. Remember also that, parking is restricted, so parents should drop off students outside the front entrance.

3 What is the purpose of the text?

C To make certain requests of those attending the party

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