Упражнение 2 . Переделайте предложения. Используйте our/your/their.

Образец:His book and my book are on the desk. ^ Our books are on the de

Заполните пропуски в предложениях, используя притяжательные местоимения.

Образец: I do ... morning exercises at 7 o'clock. ^ I do my morning exercises at 7 o'clock.

1. I have a coach. ... coach is a Merited Master of Sports.

2. He has a sister. ... sister lives in Moscow.

3. I like this town. ... streets and parks are beautiful.

4. She has a family. ... parents work as schoolteachers.

5. ... favourite sport is table tennis. I play a lot during the holidays.

6. Julia wants to keep fit. ... favourite occupation is jogging.

7. I'm a first-year student. ... name is Nick.

8. We'd like to invite all ... friends to the party.

9. Mary is a doctor, but ... brother is an athlete.


Ответ дал: ViMo02


1. my

2. his

3. his

4. her

5. my

6. her

7. my

8. our

9. her

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