6 Complete the sentences with should or must.
1 Aldiyar loves jazz. We buy him this CD.
2 We leave our mp3 players in our bags in
3 In some countries you carry your ID card
all the time.
4 You're good at singing. You join a band,​


Ответ дал: samsonovr7you


1 Aldiyar loves jazz. We should buy him this CD.

2 We must leave our mp3 players in our bags in exams.

3 In some countries you must carry your ID card all the time.

4 You're good at singing. You should join a band.

ayanbek7309: susysnisxysnsiegebe9 wo1nx
ayanbek7309: да блин англиски язык поставил
nurdanakhabulbek: ргпсгвьяылщао
sholpantaubaeva18: Рахмет сізге
Аноним: спасибо
zunusovaasemgul8: Приррп
unicorndaf2007: Спасибо (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*.✧
karakatnurmanbek: Спасибо
connectshop290920: спасибо
samsonovr7you: Пожалуйста
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