SEcond Conditional
2 They _______________ (rescue) us if we _______________ (call) for help.

3 If the forest _______________ (catch) fire, we _______________ (not be) safe here.

4 People _______________ (leave) their homes if we _______________ (warn) them about the tsunami.

5 If the tornado _______________ (come) through the city, it _______________ (injure) hundreds of people.

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irbisyonokk: В задании не указано, к какому именно типу условных относятся предложения? Тут по-разному можно скобки раскрыть
sintijaversinska12: second conditional там написано


Ответ дал: irbisyonokk


2. They would rescue us if we called for help.

3. If the forest caught fire, we would not be safe here.

4. People would leave their homes if we warned them about the tsunami.

5. If the tornado came through the city, it would injure hundreds of people.

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