Complete the text with the present
perfect or past simple
form of the verbs in
brackets. Then listen
and check.
My dad and (climb)
a lot of mountains
and of course it can be
dangerous. I 2… (start) when
I was 14 but I 3… (never have) a
serious accident. My dad and I
(travel) all over the world and we 5
(see) some wonderful things. Last year,
we 5… (go) to Argentina. So, where
next? We'd love to go to the Himalayas
because we 7… (never climb) Everest.



Ответ дал: HellishHelen

My dad and I HAVE CLIMBED a lot of mountains and of course it can be

dangerous. I 2 STARTED when I was 14 but I 3 HAVE never HAD a serious accident. My dad and I HAVE TRAVELLED all over the world and we 5 HAVE SEEN some wonderful things. Last year, we 5 WENT to Argentina. So, where next? We'd love to go to the Himalayas because we 7 HAVE never CLIMBED Everest.

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