Put the correct preposition into each gap. 1. Are you afraid __________ the dark? 2. She was angry __________ me ___________ not telling her the news. 3. Canterbury is famous ___________ its cathedral. 4. Bill is jealous ___________ me because I’m cleverer than him. 5. I’m very proud __________ my two daughters. 6. I’m disappointed __________ you. I thought I could trust you. 7. You’re very different _____________ your brother. I thought I could trust you. 8. Are you excited ____________ going on holiday? 9. Visitors to Britain aren’t used _____________ driving on the left. 10. Visitors to hot countries need to be aware __________ the risk of malaria. 11. You should be ashamed ____________ what you did. 12. I am most grateful ___________ all your help. 13. Who is responsible ___________ this mess? 14. My son is crazy ___________ a pop group called Hanson. 15. What’s wrong ____________ you? You don’t look well.


Ответ дал: P482DNUAN

1. Of

2. With, for

3. For

4. Of

5. Of

6. In

7. From

8. About

9. To

10. Of

11. Of

12. For

13. For

14. About

15. With

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