Put either for or since into the following sentences.
1. I have lived in LG Metro City Apartments ___since__ 2006.
2. He has been in my class ________ 2 years.
3. My brother has been stronger than me _________ 3 years.
4. She has been here _________ 8am this morning.
5. We have lived here ________ March of 2010.
6. He has been my teacher ________ May.
7. My city has had a subway system ________ 3 decades.
8. That song has been #1 on the charts ________ 3 weeks.
9. They have owned that restaurant ________ I was 10 years old.


Ответ дал: galina572319


2 - for

3 - for

4 - since

5 - since

6 - since

7 - for

8 - for

9 - since

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