Написать 10 разных предложений,из которых:
3- специальные вопросы
2- отрицательных предложения
3- вопросительных
2- утвердительных

Английский язык 7 класс


Ответ дал: caatel

1. Who is going to meet Paul at the station?

2. What meal do you prefer for lunch?

3. Why should I help him to solve his problems?

1. Harry has never tried to stand out from the crowd.

2. Fred didn’t receive a gift from his uncle and it made him upset.

1. Does she want to spend her free time painting?

2. Did John make this mistake again?

3. Are they going to visit their parents tomorrow?

1. Kate was seen to do homework.

2. My dream is to have a dog.

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