дам 20 балловYOUR CULTURE Answer the questions.
1 Would you like to study abroad? Why / Why not?
2 What country would you choose? Why?
3 Do university and secondary school students
from your country study abroad?
4 What are popular destinations? Why?
5 Do foreign students study in schools and
universities in your country?​


Ответ дал: morsven


1. Yes, I would, because as for me it is a very interesting experience and you can learn useful information for your future life.

2. I would like to choose Poland, because Polish language is quite similar to russian and it is easier to learn it.

3. Yes, they do.

4. One of the most popular destinations is Poland, because, as I have said before, it is easy to learn a language which is similar to your native language.

5. Yes, they do, but there are not so many foreign students in my country.

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