Все предложения должны быть в Second Conditional

If we (to come ) in time, we (to manage) to do it.

If he ( to visit) them, they (to know) all about it.

The studets (to realize) their plans is they ( to read) the task.

The teacher (not/ give) good marks if we ( to learn) the new words.

He ( to receive) the parcel if the postman (to bring) it.


Ответ дал: KathyGFD

Conditional Two:

If we CAME (to come ) in time, we WOULD MANAGE (to manage) to do it.

If he VISITED ( to visit) them, they WOULD KNOW (to know) all about it.

The studets WOULD REALIZE (to realize) their plans if they READ ( to read) the task.

The teacher WOULDN'T GIVE (not/ give) good marks if we LEARNT / LEARNED ( to learn) the new words.

He WOULD RECEIVE ( to receive) the parcel if the postman BROUGHT (to bring) it.

!!! В предпоследнем точно learn??? Может, not learn? Учитель бы не ставил хорошие оценки, если бы мы учили новые слова... Как-то нелогично(((

ritazajnulina419: спасибо большое. на счет предпоследнего не знаю, учттель скинул я скопировала
KathyGFD: Не за что)) P. S. если бы мы не учили новые слова, учитель бы не ставил хорошие оценки. Дополни для себя if we didn't learn.
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